About Me

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Atlanta, Georgia, United States
I have enjoyed every aspect of football since I can remember. The discipline and courage it takes to excel and play football has helped to shape my life whole heartedly. My football journey took me to Upper Moreland High School where I had the pleasure of playing against the best competition in southeastern PA. From there this great game allowed me to start 44 straights games at Cheyney University. I was blessed to play in the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference, where they play the best football in all of division II. That journey allowed me to be invited into a couple of arena football camps. Football to me is the greatest game invented. As they stated in the movie "The Program" football isn't for everyone. We were the lucky ones. The sport builds character, heart, and perseverance. This is the game I love. please enjoy my blog. Proud Husband, Football Guru and Fanatic!!!!


The opinions in this blog are my opinions and strictly my opinions. They are not meant to be disrespectful but they are meant to be real and from the heart.

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Friday, April 9, 2010

What now for Maurice Clarett?

Wow the 2003 national championship seems like centuries ago.  Maurice Clarett was considered the best running back in the country.  Sean Taylor(RIP) was still knocking people out and on his way to the NFL.  Not before a monumental upset in that BCS National Title game changed the Hurricanes season, and Clarett's fortunes.  In that game Maurice Clarett ran and played like a back possessed.  His strip of Sean Taylor after a super interception by the safety help seal the win and a championship for coach Jim Tressel and the Buckeyes.  That was a little over 7 long years ago.  Today clarett is now 26 and imprisoned.  He is set to be released to minimum security detention center in Ohio to finish his final six months.  The story of Maurice Clarett is all to familiar and sad.  Clarett a star running back was coddled, used, and thrown to the wolves after his services were no longer needed.   He was enabled by Ohio State to act out and do what he wanted.  Yet after deciding he was no longer interested in being a college athlete that same university essentially turned its back on Clarett.  His spiral out of control started that moment.  He received awful advice, and made awful choices.  He tried to enter the NFL a few months after that game even though he knew the rules would not allow him to.  After a awful stint with the Denver Broncos that saw Clarett come to camp out of shape and with a sorry attitude, he was released and out of football.  In 2006 Clarett was arrested in Columbus, OH after robbing a couple leaving a bar.  Clarett is now a felon with no formal education, no job training or skills, and no future in football.  It is the all to common story of athlete who was used for his needs and tossed aside after he was no longer needed.  This is all on Maurice Clarett in my opinion.  It is up to the student athlete to use the university for all its has to offer.  Notice I used the word student.  If only young Clarett would have allowed himself to become a student and mature.  Unfortunately Maurice was allowed to conduct himself like the pampered athlete he thought he was.  Today he writes a blog about his past and determined his failure was due to lack of character.  It is my hope that prison fortified his character and gave him some insight into what he wants to do with his life now.  Maurice Clarett is still young enough to make something of his life and to a productive role model to his son.  I'm praying and rooting for this guy to succeed.  Lets just hope he learned his lesson.

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