About Me

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Atlanta, Georgia, United States
I have enjoyed every aspect of football since I can remember. The discipline and courage it takes to excel and play football has helped to shape my life whole heartedly. My football journey took me to Upper Moreland High School where I had the pleasure of playing against the best competition in southeastern PA. From there this great game allowed me to start 44 straights games at Cheyney University. I was blessed to play in the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference, where they play the best football in all of division II. That journey allowed me to be invited into a couple of arena football camps. Football to me is the greatest game invented. As they stated in the movie "The Program" football isn't for everyone. We were the lucky ones. The sport builds character, heart, and perseverance. This is the game I love. please enjoy my blog. Proud Husband, Football Guru and Fanatic!!!!


The opinions in this blog are my opinions and strictly my opinions. They are not meant to be disrespectful but they are meant to be real and from the heart.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Thanks for nothing Jamarcus

I wasn't sure where or how to start this post. Writing this article does not please me at all. My opinions and feelings are based off of extreme disappointment.  See I was once one of Jamarcus Russell's biggest supporters. I was enamored with his size, the big arm, and with visions of him just changing the game.  During his first season or two of struggles, he had an easy scapegoat. I mean come on he was forced to play for the Raiders.  Now like a swindled soul mate, the more of Russell I see, the more I feel tricked.  My whole perception of him has changed drastically.  Let me be clear. I have never played quarterback. So I'm sure I sound like the typical obnoxious fan.  Oh, but I played the game tho. I've been around many quarterbacks.  Some were teammates and some were not.  So I fully understand what the position requires regardless of size or color. The position requires heart and courage. I also understand playing the position at a high level requires intelligence and hard work.  Most importantly I understand a quarterback must be the ultimate leader of men.  Jamarcus Russell is not that at all.  I'm not afraid to say that his race plays a major part in my disgust.  I'm old enough to know that black quarterbacks struggled to get a shot in the NFL.  Fritz Pollard and Bobby Marshall were the first two black players in the league.  Pollard was the first African American to throw a forward pass in the league.  That was back in 1920. Thirty years later George Taliaferro became the second black quarterback in the NFL.  In 1953 Willie Thrower became the third.  Charlie "Choo Choo" Brackins was the fourth when he signed with the Green Bay Packers.  I can go on and on from their.  I love Terry Bradshaw but we know Joe Gilliam never really got a fair shot because of his race.  Warren Moon had to choose the CFL coming out of the University of Washington because he didn't want to risk a position switch or just plain sitting the bench.  Think about a hall of fame quarterback almost not becoming that at all because of a perceived lack of intelligence.  I have no idea if Jamarcus Russell knows his history.  I don't think  he cares.  I know he owes those past greats, and those coming behind him all that he can offer of himself.  Young black males should look up to Russell the way McNabb and Vick did Moon and Cunningham before them.  All Jamarcus Russell has shown us is that he is a lazy coward with a penchant for trips to Vegas and BLING.  I pray for Jamarcus because if he gets cut I'm not sure he'll ever get the chance to redeem himself.  I'm angered though because I don't really believe he cares.  I wonder If he cares that he is upholding every racist stereotype put on black quarterbacks.  I wonder If he cares that people feel like he is a thief for even accepting his paychecks.  Thanks Jamarcus for absolutely nothing.  If I had a chance to write his autobiography it would be titled "Jamarcus Russell" he had a chance to change the game yet instead went out the game like a sucka!  I wonder If he would even care.   My article is harsh yes.  I'm tired of dudes feeling entitled.  I know guys who would give their life for an opportunity to play on the grandest stage.  You wouldn't be able to get them out the facility.  Guys would prepare and grind everyday.  Not for the check though.  Just to live out a dream on that stage. I wish I could get all the entitled spoiled players in a room lock the door, and as Laurence Fishburne did in the movie "School Daze" scream at the top of my lungs WAKE UP!!

1 comment:

  1. It's a shame if he allows all that talent to go to waste. I'm hoping it was a slump and the pressure of Campbell starting over him will light a fire under his butt. Otherwise, he'll be asking "can I take your order" very soon. Shout out to "in and out" burger.


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